The music ministry celebrates our faith through the joy of music. We are guided by the belief that music enhances, reinforces, and points to the spoken Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Tradition.
A variety of styles of music are presented with energy and authenticity with a strong traditional base.
Through rehearsals, activities and worship services we experience Christian fellowship and connection to our God.
You are invited to be a part of the music ministry at St. Simons Presbyterian! All it takes is a willingness to work with others in sharing your talent and time for the glory of God.
Questions? Contact Rhonda Hambright, Director of Music ([email protected]; 912-638-2220)
Kirkin' O' the Tartan The Kirkin' O' the Tartan is annual service (normally the last Sunday in January) that brings together Presbyterians from throughout St. Simons Island to celebrate our Scottish heritage. This dramatic (and loud) service features the First Coast Highlanders (formerly the Clay County Sheriff's Office Pipes and Drums), which is a Highland Bagpipe and Drum Band of up to 6 pipers and 4 drummers. Bluegrass Sunday SSPC has enjoyed dedicating one Sunday a year to Bluegrass Music. Members of the congregation and community share their talents on traditional bluegrass instruments while the choir and congregation join in with some traditional gospel hymns.
Christmas Cantata During the Advent season, St. Simons Presbyterian choirs offer a worship service in which the sermon is the music. Instrumentalist and vocalists both young and old make this a very beautiful and meaningful time of worship for the congregation.
There are music ministry opportunities for children and adults of all ages at St. Simons Presbyterian. Click below to learn about a few of the regular opportunities in our congregation.