St. Simons Presbyterian seeks to fulfill the call of Christ to love one another as he has loved us. Our pastors make visits to hospitals and nursing homes, and meet with people who find themselves in need of individual pastoral care. We also have members and teams who have received training to help support others in times of crisis or spiritual struggle. Our support for each other also includes times of joy, like a wedding celebration, the birth of a child, or a baptism. Through our network of relationships we call, visit, and write as we seek to show God's love to each other and to the stranger who may come into our fellowship.
Making visits and phone calls to check-in with those in need
Delivering flowers from Sunday worship to the homebound
Writing hand-written notes to those facing major life events
Making and/or delivering muffins or other sweet treats for our fellow members & friends
The Congregational Care Team consists of over 40 church members and friends who seek to show care and concern for others. Please get in touch with the team to indicate your willingness to serve.
Pastoral Care Pastors are committed and trained to being with persons in times of challenge. The pastors at SSPC would like to hear from members when life changes occur and to pray, listen, and to help make sense of these changes and find a way forward. Members are welcome to let us know of both joys and concerns. This is part of knitting ourselves together as the household of God and offering Christian care.
Prayer Ministry Our congregation’s staff, members, and friends pray regularly for members of the congregation and their families. To request prayers for someone or to add your name and email address to be notified of prayer requests, please contact the church at 638-2220.
Medical Supply Closet Medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, canes, crutches, and other medical equipement are available for loan at no cost. To borrow or donate an item, or for more information, call the church office 638-2220.
Home Communion Our pastors, elders and deacons serve communion to some of our members who can't get to church. If you would like to receive communion at home, please contact Portia Hendrick ([email protected])
SSPRES Grief Support Group An intimate group of those journeying through loss of loved ones during this time, the grief support group explores Scripture, sits with one another, and gains strength from fellowship together.
Al Anon Meetings St. Simons Presbyterian hosts weekly meetings of friends and families of problem drinkers to help find understanding and support at weekly Al-Anon meetings at SSPC. Check the calendar for dates and times.