Program Description The St. Simons Presbyterian Church COVID-19 Community Relief Fund was established to provide emergency financial assistance to individuals and families in Glynn County, Georgia who have been financially impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. We realize that one of the most pressing challenges many in our church and community are facing as a result of this virus relates to personal and family finances. As such, we have been grateful for the opportunity to serve in a tangible way by trying to help ease some of that need.
Eligibility Grants were aware to Glynn County residents who meet any of the below criteria:
Laid off or furloughed from their job due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Experiencing financial hardship as a result of a COVID-19 diagnosis or hospitalization (medical bills, income loss, etc.).
Self-employed or small business owners experiencing financial hardship due to significant decline in business and/or loss of customers.
Loss of income due to children being home or daycare being closed.
May 2021 Update At this time, the COVID-19 Community Relief Fund is no longer writing grants. If additional community-wide needs arise in the future, St. Simons Presbyterian will strive to assist in any way possible.