Church Officer Nominations2024-25 NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Please reach out to any Nominating Committee members if you have questions or need help submitting a nomination. Mary Bryson (chair): [email protected] Judy Benjamin: [email protected] Keith Griffin: [email protected] Lindsey Holland: [email protected] Lee Malone: [email protected] Matt Robinson: [email protected] WE ARE CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS FOR THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE
One responsibility of membership in the church is the election of lay members to serve as church officers who are ordained to fulfill particular functions within the congregation. The existence of these offices in no way diminishes the importance of the commitment of all members to the total ministry of the church. You can learn more about each of the church officer roles (deacons, elders, and trustees) below as well as submit a name(s) of individuals you believe the Nominating Committee should consider. Please note that nominating an individual does not mean that they will automatically become a church officer. Rather, the Nominating Committee will include all submitted names in their discernment process as they go about selecting the final slate of nominees who will be presented for congregational approval. |
Associate Pastor Nominating Committee We are currently accepting nominations for the committee that will conduct the search for our next associate pastor. Helpful qualities of a person serving on this committee include depth of theological and spiritual maturity, highly organized, hardworking, willingness to discern what is best for the church above one’s own agenda, and can represent both our church and our community well to prospective candidates. Office of Deacon Being a Deacon is a wonderful call to service. Deacons are the "servants" or "caregivers" of the congregation. The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, of exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, sound judgment and have the desire and availability to serve should they be chosen for this office. Office of Elder Being an Elder is a wonderful call to leadership. Ruling elders are called to ministry in partnership with teaching elders (pastors) to oversee the spiritual and physical life of the congregation. Within this calling, ruling elders have responsibilities in several areas of the life of the church including exercise in leadership, governance, spiritual discernment, discipline, and have the desire and availability to serve should they be chosen for this office. Office of Trustee Being a Trustee is a wonderful call to stewardship. Trustees provide guidance to the session about the appropriate uses of church assets and make recommendations to the session about management of the endowment. Trustees should be ready to seek creative solutions to problems that may arise in these tasks. Experience in financial or accounting fields may be desirable. In all functions of this office, the Trustee acts for the benefit of the congregation as a whole. |