Presbyterian Women's
LADIES CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON All women of the church are invited to join us for our annual Christmas luncheon! Be sure not to miss this special time of fellowship with each other as we celebrate being together and remember that "Christmas begins with Christ". To register for this event, please RSVP below and pay online using the link below or drop off payment to the church office or mail to the address below. Time: 11:30 AM Date: December 4, 2023 Location: Social Hall Cost: $20 per person/Guests Welcome Cash OR check made out to "PW" ("Ladies Christmas Luncheon" in lower left corner of check) to be received by Nov 26th! Payment may be brought to the church office OR put in envelope marked "Ladies Christmas Luncheon" in Sundays' offering plates. PAYMENT IS RESERVATION! Pay online using the link below (coming soon) or pay in church office M-F 9-4PM. Checks may be mailed to 205 Kings Way, St. Simons Island, GA 31522. |